Photo by Xander McGrouther

Photo by Xander McGrouther

Photo by Xander McGrouther

Osaki has a long history of having its lands contested by feuding samurai clans. Ultimately, its lands were brought under the control of Masamune Date, during the Edo period. Masamune Date was known for his toughness, but also for his exquisite taste and sense of style. In honor of this history, at the Osaki City Takekougeikan, visitors have the opportunity to dress in what was once the actual armor worn by Date clan warriors.
There are three armor options: the heavy yet magnificent samurai armor, the less heavy, yet still-incredible foot soldier armor, or a replica of Masamune Date’s own distinctive armor. A trained staff member will help suit you up. From the first layer, a silk hakama, to the final touch, the kabuto helmet, one thing you’ll realize while suiting up is just how much work putting on armor is. However, once you’ve tied on your waraji sandals and caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, katana sword in hand, you’ll know the effort was worth it.
Once dressed, you’re free to walk around town in your armor. The standard plan allows visitors ninety minutes to walk around, but longer is fine so long as you inform the staff in advance. Strolling the town is a good chance to see the sights of the historic Iwadeyama area and take extra-memorable photos. The historical district is about a ten-minute walk from the museum. Along the way, you may encounter passersby who’ll ask for a photo with you, which I found to be the most entertaining part of the entire experience.
Being real samurai armor, it’s quite weighty. By the time you’re done walking around town and posing for pictures, you’ll feel as if you’ve had a full-body workout. But at the end of the day, it’s an exceptionally fun and unique experience I would recommend to anyone looking to experience a piece of Japanese history.