Photo by Ichinokura

Photo by Ichinokura

Photo by Ichinokura

Ichinokura Brewery is a large, modern brewery located in the mountains on the outskirts of Osaki City. It breaks many stereotypes in the world of sake. It is not centuries old. It is innovative. It has not one, but four bosses. In 1973, four rival breweries combined to become One (“Ichi”) Brewery (“Kura”). Each of the successors of the original founders remains active in the management and direction of the company. Although they come from different backgrounds, together the founders formed a collective consciousness that has guided the company’s way of doing business: emphasis on a sense of community, quality ingredients, and use of high-tech machines to complement the irreplaceable low-tech techniques still done by hand.
Weekday tours are approximately one-hour long and conducted by staff in Japanese, while weekend and holiday tours are self-guided with Japanese and English signage explaining the brewing process. Visitors are able to view the equipment and sake making areas through glass windows, learn the history of the brewery, sample sake, and purchase souvenirs at the gift shop.
The best time to visit is during the brewing season between October and June. If you come in the morning (10:00–11:30 a.m.), you may get to see koji being cultivated, yeast being tended to, and sake mash being, well, mashed! While you are in the area, I also recommend the related Matsuyama Sake Museum (松山酒ミュージアム) a 15-minute walk away, for more learning, food, and souvenirs.